Lunchtime Opening Recital: Patricia Nolz and Joseph Middleton

Patricia Nolz mezzo-soprano
Joseph Middleton piano
Tickets: £15, £13 (unwaged/disabled)
The young mezzo-soprano Patricia Nolz is already hailed as one of Austria’s foremost singers. Following her studies with Florian Boesch, she has quickly cemented her place as an artist of real quality and has appeared as a frequent guest at the Vienna State Opera (Cherubino, Zerlina, Annio, Rosina). She made her Edinburgh Festival début as Cherubino with the Komische Oper Berlin and appears with the Vienna Symphony and Gewandhaus Orchestras. The Wiener Konzerthaus selected her as a “Great Talent” last season, programming her across the year in recitals and orchestral concerts. Her programme for Leeds Lieder is book-ended with Schumann’s writing of the most inspired kind, and between these songs, Nolz and Middleton turn to heady German Romanticism in the form of Wolf and Zemlinsky. Leeds Lieder has had an outstanding record of giving young European artists their UK recital débuts, and this is one of which you will want to say “I was at that recital.”
Robert Schumann
Rose, Meer und Sonne
Es stürmet am Abendhimmel
Himmel und Erde
Mein Wagen rollet langsam
Hugo Wolf
Auf einer Wanderung
Das verlassene Mägdlein
Um Mitternacht
Alexander von Zemlinsky
Von der Stadt
Geflüster der Nacht
Nach dem Gewitter
Selige Stunde
Robert Schumann
Frauenliebe und -leben
Seit ich ihn gesehen
Er, der Herrlichste von allen
Ich kann’s nicht fassen, nicht glauben
Du Ring an meinem Finger
Helft mir, ihr Schwestern
Süßer Freund, du blickest mich verwundert an
An meinem Herzen, an meiner Brust
Nun hast du mir den ersten Schmerz getan