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2022 Leeds Lieder Young Artists - application form
Guidance for applicants:
- Duos are asked to submit a recording of three contrasting songs of their choice (one in German, one in English and one in another language) for consideration by the selection committee.  
- We regret we are only able to accept recordings electronically, preferably via a YouTube link.  
- Please return completed application form, with recording, to the Festival Office by Tuesday 1st February 2022.
- Successful applicants will be notified w/c 28th February and must be able to attend the entire Festival.
- Accommodation will be provided but Young Artists will be responsible for their own travel.
- The fee of £250 per participant is payable by Monday 14th March 2022.

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* Indicates required question
Email *
Your email
SINGER - Name *
Your answer
SINGER - Address *
Your answer
SINGER - Phone number *
Your answer
SINGER - Email address *
Your answer
SINGER - Biography (up to 350 words) *
Your answer
SINGER - Please detail how becoming a Leeds Lieder Young Artist will benefit your continuing professional development *
Your answer
Your answer
Your answer
ACCOMPANIST - Phone number *
Your answer
ACCOMPANIST - Email address *
Your answer
ACCOMPANIST - Biography (up to 350 words) *
Your answer
ACCOMPANIST - Please detail how becoming a Leeds Lieder Young Artist will benefit your continuing professional development *
Your answer
Recording repertoire submitted *
Please detail song title, cycle (if applicable) and composer:
Your answer
Please detail a further seven pieces you would like to present at the Festival *
Your answer
YouTube link to recording *
Your answer
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