Terms and Conditions

1. Changes to information

The information on this website is published in good faith, but changes may occasionally be necessary. In the event of unforeseen circumstances Leeds Lieder reserves the right to change the performers or the performance.


2. Use of Material made available through the Leeds Lieder website:

All information made available via the Leeds Lieder (LL) website is supplied by the LL in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement to the individual, organisation, or company making the original enquiry (‘You’), for internal purposes or private research, as specified by You. You may not copy, publish, or otherwise make available, or commercially exploit information supplied via this website under this Agreement without the appropriate written permission, whether or not the information supplied is copyright material.


3. Copyright and Reproduction

Copyright in the images, information, code and metadata employed in the creation of this site rests with the LL on behalf of its clients. If You wish to reproduce, publish or otherwise make available or commercially exploit it, or any part of it, You must apply for permission to do so before You carry out any reproduction or publication. Reproduction fees may be payable regardless of the copyright status of the information requested. Where applicable, we may direct You to the relevant copyright holder if we are not authorised to give information on the copyright holder’s behalf.


4. Assignment

Your rights under this Agreement cannot be assigned, transferred, or sub-licensed without the prior written permission of LL.


5. Breach

Failure to comply with the terms of this Agreement by You will be construed as a material breach of them, and will result in the immediate termination of the Agreement. LL may, where appropriate, seek compensatory damages from You and/or the return of any Information supplied under this Agreement.


6. Disclaimer

LL gives no warranties in connection with the information provided to You pursuant to this Agreement including in relation to its completeness and/or accuracy. LL cannot be held responsible for any decisions made in reliance on the information.


7. Jurisdiction

This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of England and subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts.