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Friday 29th April – Robin Tritschler and Christopher Glynn

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Robin Tritschler tenor
Christopher Glynn piano

In Person Tickets: £25, £23 (unwaged/disabled) FREE (Under 26/Students)

Illuminated Music

Benjamin Britten
Let the florid music praise (from On this island)

Britten Realisations:

William Croft
A Hymn to Divine Musick

Henry Purcell
If music be the food of love
Music for a while
Turn then thine eyes
Sweeter than roses
I attempt from love’s sickness
Mad Bess

Canticle I, My beloved is mine

Illuminating Songs

Der Winterabend


Clair de lune

L’heure exquise


Henry Mancini
Moon River

Herbert Howells
Full Moon

Liza Lehmann
Ah, Moon of my delight

Robin Tritschler and Christopher Glynn are firm favourites at Wigmore Hall as well as just up the road at Ryedale where Christopher makes an inspired Festival Director. Known for programming thoughtfully, Robin and Chris offer up a two-half recital that literally irradiates the song platform. Light pours through moonlit scenes by Howells, Lehmann, Brahms and Fauré. Lovers listen to the tread of gentle night via Debussy and the blissful peace of moonlight is welcomed into the singer’s inner sanctum thanks to Schubert. The great English men of theatre, Purcell and Britten, sit shoulder to shoulder and praise the act of singing and of experiencing music to illuminate the human condition. If music be the food of love, play on!