Relaxed Lunchtime Recital: Kitty Whately and Natalie Burch

Relaxed Lunchtime Recital
Kitty Whately mezzo–soprano
Natalie Burch piano
Tickets: £15, £13 (unwaged/disabled)
FREE (U30/students)
Kitty Whatley and Natalie Burch present a typically inventive programme placing different settings of the same texts side by side. The writer Romain Rolland cited Debussy’s Chansons de Bilitis as the most perfect example he knew of French word-setting. The lyrical songs of Rita Strohl, full of mysticism and symbolism further explore the dreamworld of Bilitis. The sound-world and choice of poetry selected by Rebecca Clarke and Samuel Barber make for fascinating comparisons, writing, as they were, on opposite sides of the Atlantic.
- A warm welcoming atmosphere
- Friendly performers
- No bright lights or darkness
- No sudden loud noises
- A range of seating options from chairs to cushions and no pressure to stay still throughout the performance
- Open doors in case people wish to leave and return to the auditorium during the performance
- A quiet area outside the performance space
- A British Sign Language Interpreter
This concert will also be signed by a British Sign Language interpreter.
Madeleine Dring
It was a lover and his lass
Take, O take those lips away
Erich Korngold
Four Shakespeare Songs
Claude Debussy
Chansons de Bilitis
Rita Strohl
from Chansons de Bilitis
La flûte de Pan
La chevelure
Roses de la nuit
Rebecca Clarke
God made a tree
Infant Joy
June twilight
Samuel Barber
The Crucifixion
St Ita’s vision